I found multiple types of cookers but the better ones were too expensive for someone in a third world country. Someone in a third world country or even in rural areas would be able to put a simple cooker to use because it doesn't cost a lot maybe five or ten dollars and cooks in a decent amount of time
Considering it doesn't use any fuel. I found the solsource solar cooker and it is designed for people on the go not necessarily people in poor areas but hikers, bikers, campers, etc... It costs a lot more than the homemade ones but it cooks a lot better. a box cooker and is a relatively easy to make and is really cheap if not industrial produced like the nice ones. In the past I have been to campfires with solar cookers and camping trips but they were nice ones. In a poor country and if someone knows how to use a solar cooker it could help them and their community survive. I think solar cookers are effective items because they are light, portable, and easy to use.